1. 基本信息
博士(后),教授,博/硕士研究生导师,主要从事岩石工程节理力学、能源岩石地下工程等方面的研究工作。发表SCI/EI期刊源论文70余篇、出版专著1部、授权发明专利6项、登记软件著作权2项。主持/参与国家自然科学基金项目、企业合作项目多项。《Deep Underground Science and Engineering》和《Rock Mechanics Bulletin》青年编委。2021年和2022年连续入选全球前2%顶尖科学家年度影响力榜单。
2. 工作/教育经历
2016.04 - 至今:中国地质大学(武汉),九游(中国), 教授、硕/博导
2015.01 - 2016.01:南洋理工大学,土木与环境九游(中国),Research Fellow
2013.06 - 2016.03:武汉大学,土木建筑九游(中国), 博士后
2009.09 - 2013.05:同济大学,隧道及地下建筑工程, 博士
2006.09 - 2009.05:中南大学,地质工程, 硕士
2002.09 - 2006.06:中南大学,地质工程 本科
3. 科研项目
4. 专著/论文
唐志成,夏才初,焦玉勇,刘泉声. 岩石工程节理力学. 科学出版社,2023
彭俊,荣冠,许传华,唐志成. 热损伤岩石宏细观性能演化. 科学出版社,2023(待)
Louis Ngai Yuen Wong, Tang Zhi Cheng*. Preliminary estimation of rock-fall lateral dispersion by laboratory test. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Accept)
张志飞#,黄曼,唐志成*. 基于摩擦角修正的粗糙异性岩石结构面抗剪强度准则. 地球科学(录用)
张志飞#,黄曼,唐志成*. 颗粒形状和剪切速率对充填岩石不连续面剪切特性影响的数值试验研究. 岩土工程学报(录用)
张志飞#,黄曼,唐志成*. 估算异性岩石不连续面峰值剪切强度的经验公式. 岩土力学2023,44(2):507-519
Yan Chengzeng Ma Hui, Tang Zhicheng*, Ke Wenhui. A two-dimensional moisture diffusion continuous model for simulating dry shrinkage and cracking of soil. International Journal of Geomechanics 2022, 22: 04022172
Tang Zhi Cheng, Yan Cheng Zeng*. New empirical criterion for evaluating peak shear strength of unmatched rock discontinuities with different joint wall compressive strengths. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2022, 55: 5323-5343
Yan Chengzeng, Guo Hui, Tang Zhicheng*. Three-dimensional continuous-discrete pore-fracture mixed seepage model and hydro-mechanical coupling model to simulate rock fracture driven by fluid. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2022, 215: 110510
Peng Jun, Tang Zhicheng*, Xu Chuanhua, Hou Di, Huang Qisong, Feng Junjun. Determination of basic friction angle of three planar rock joints. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2022, 15: 885
Tang Zhi Cheng, Peng Meng Hong, Xiao Suguang*. Basic friction angle of granite fracture after heating and rapid cooling treatments. Engineering Geology 2022, 302: 106626
Tang Zhi Cheng, Wu Zhuo Lun, Zou Jun Peng*. Appraisal of the number of asperity peaks, their radii and heights for three-dimensional rock fracture. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2022, 153: 105080
Tang Zhi Cheng, Sun Meng, Thermodynamic properties of marble with varying slenderness ratios. International Journal of Geomechanics 2022, 22: 04022088
Peng Xinyan, Chen Guangqi, Fu Haiying*, Yu Pengcheng, Zhang Yingbin, Tang Zhicheng*, Zheng Lu, Wang Wei. Numerical method for soil-structure interaction analysis using SPH and DDA. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2021, 146: 104890
Tang Zhi Cheng, Zhang Zhi Fei, Zuo Chang Qun, Jiao Yu Yong*. Peak shear strength criterion for mismatched rock joints: Revisiting JRC-JMC criterion. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2021, 147: 104894
Peng Jun, Tang Zhi Cheng*, Hou Di. A GSI-softening model for characterizing strength behavior of thermally damaged rock. Engineering Geology 2021, 292: 106251
Tang Zhi Cheng, Zhang Zhi Fei, Jiao Yu-Yong*. Three-dimensional criterion for predicting peak shear strength of discontinuities with different joint wall strengths. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2021, 54: 3291-3307
Tang Zhi Cheng, Zhang Qing Zhao*, Zhang Yingbin*. Cyclic drying-wetting effects on shear behavior of red sandstone fractures. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2021, 54: 2595-2613
Tang Zhi Cheng, Zhang Qing Zhao*. Elliptical Hertz-based general closure model for rock joints. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2021, 54: 477-486
Tang Zhi Cheng, Li Lu, Wang Xiao Chuan*, Zou Jun Peng*. Influence of cyclic freezing-thawing on shear behaviors of rock fracture. Cold Regions Science and Technology 2021, 181: 103192
Zou Junpeng, Jiao Yuyong*, Tang Zhicheng*, Ji Yinlin, Yan Chengzeng, Wang Jinchao. Effect of mechanical heterogeneity on hydraulic fracture propagation in unconventional gas reservoirs. Computers and Geotechnics 2020, 125: 103652
Tang Zhi Cheng*. Experimental investigation on temperature-dependent shear behavior of granite discontinuity. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2020, 53(9): 4043-4060
Tang Zhi Cheng, Zhang Yingbin*. Temperature-dependent peak shear strength criterion for granite fractures. Engineering Geology 2020, 269: 105552
Tang Zhi Cheng, Zhang Qing Zhao, Peng Jun*. Effect of thermal treatment on the basic friction angle of rock joint. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2020, 53(4): 1973-1990
Tang Zhicheng, Jiao Yuyong*. Choosing appropriate appraisal to describe peak spatial features of rock joint profiles. International Journal of Geomechanics 2020, 20(4): 04020021