2010.9-2015.6 中国科学技术大学,火灾科学国家重点实验室
2006. 9-2010.6 安徽大学, 高分子材料与工程专业,学士
2015.6-2018.6, 中国地质大学(武汉)安全工程系 特任副教授
2018.7-2021.12,中国地质大学(武汉)安全工程系 副教授
2021.6-2022.6 中国地质大学(武汉)校团委 副书记(挂职)
2022.1-至 今, 中国地质大学(武汉)安全工程系 特任教授
研究方向:(1)阻燃剂合成及应用 (2)安全防护与应急处置
目前共发表SCI论文135篇(第一/通讯作者身份发表97篇),其中8篇论文入选ESI高被引/热点论文,论文被引5900余次,H因子46;参编英文专著2部;主持国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目、GF科研项目、国家重点研发计划专题、湖北省青年拔尖人才培养计划项目、湖北省自然科学基金、教育部产学合作协同育人项目、中国地质大学(武汉)研究生教育教学改革研究重点项目、中国地质大学(武汉)本科教学工程项目、中国地质大学(武汉)实验技术研究项目等课题;获国际/国家授权发明专利11项,其中2项成功转化;获湖北省科学技术进步三等奖(排名第1)、中国职业安全健康协会青年科技奖、中国安全生产协会安全科技进步奖一等奖2项(排名第2、第7)、Composites Part A-Editor's Top Reviewer Award。担任《安全与环境工程》《安全与环境学报》《中国安全生产科学技术》《消防科学与技术》《工业安全与环保》《Polymers》等期刊编委、SCI期刊《Fire》《Polymers》《Molecules》客座编辑。指导学生获“挑战杯”全国二等奖、“互联网+”全国铜奖等创新创业竞赛奖励20余项。
[1] Lian Yin (博士研究生), Jiale Zhang, Jianjian Luo, Yongqian Shi, Bin Yu, Sheng Zhang, Keqing Zhou*, et al. Janus-inspired alternating architecture CNF/MXene/ ZnFe2O4@PANI composite films with outstanding electromagnetic interference shielding and Joule heating. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 223(2025)275-286. (SCI, IF=11.2)
[2] Kaili Gong (博士研究生), Lian Yin, Zilong Wu, Keqing Zhou*, et al. MXene nanohybrids assembled with phytic acid-modified UiO-66 toward mechanically reinforced, fire-resistant and smoke-suppressed epoxy composites. Chemical Engineering Journal 505 (2025) 159605. (SCI, IF=13.4)
[3] Jiale Zhang (本科生), Lian Yin, Jianjian Luo, Keqing Zhou*, Yongqian Shi, Bin Yu, Jiawei Wu, Yichao Lin. Multi-element synergistic effect based on functionalized porphyrin organic frameworks: Towards for promoting fire safety of epoxy. Advanced Powder Technology 36 (2025) 104759. (SCI, IF=4.2)
[4] Keqing Zhou*, Yaqin Wu, Lian Yin, Jianjian Luo, Kaihua Lu, Bin Yu, Yongqian Shi et al. In Situ Assembly of Polyphosphazene on Fe-MMT Nanosheets for High-Performance Flame-Retardant Epoxy Composites. Polymer Degradation and Stability 235 (2025) 111264 (SCI, IF=6.3)
[5] Jianjian Luo (博士研究生), Keqing Zhou*, Yan Ding, et al. Dual self-antiaggregating hybrid nanoarchitectonics for synergistic effects on the fire safety of intumescent flame retardant epoxy resins. Advanced Powder Technology 36 (2025) 104815. (SCI, IF=4.2)
[6] Qi Wei (本科生), Jiale Zhang (本科生), Yulong Cheng, Zhehan Xie, Yingting Liu, Keqing Zhou*. Surface modification of MXene nanosheets with P-N-containing agents for boosting flame retardancy of epoxy resin. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 149 (2024) 3141-3153. (SCI, IF=3.0)
[7] Yan Ding, Zhanwen Chen, Chuyan Tang, Wei Huang, Xingyu Ren, Keqing Zhou*, Hongyun Hu. Development of a pyrolysis reaction model for epoxy based flame retardant composites: Relationship between pyrolysis behavior and material composition. Chemical Engineering Journal 495 (2024) 153628. (SCI, IF=13.4)
[8] Lian Yin (博士研究生), Jiale Zhang, Zhuoran Liang, Yongqian Shi, Kaihua Lu, Keqing Zhou*, et al. A novel P/Fe/Si-doped porphyrin with excellent flame retardancy and ultrastrong toughening effect on epoxy resin. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 182 (2024) 108210. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[9] Lian Yin (博士研究生), Mengqing Zhou, Yongqian Shi, Keqing Zhou*, et al. Construction of superhydrophobic flexible polyurethane with dual nano-enhancement effect for solar-assisted high-viscosity oil cleanup and oil-water separation. Applied Surface Science 660 (2024) 159971. (SCI, IF=6.3)
[10] Chunyu Li (硕士研究生), Mengqing Zhou, Congling Shi, Xiaodong Qian, Lian Yin, Keqing Zhou*, et al. Polydopamine/MXene Nanosheet/Polyaniline/ Polydimethylsiloxane Foams for Oil-Water Separation. ACS Applied Nano Materials 7 (2024) 10805-10817. (SCI, IF=5.3)
[11] Jianjian Luo (博士研究生), Keqing Zhou*, Bei Tu, Yongqian Shi, Kaihua Lu, et al. Fire-retardant, smoke-suppressive and sustainable diatomite-based auxiliaries for highly fire-resistant epoxy resin. Advanced Powder Technology 35 (2024) 104639. (SCI, IF=4.2)
[12] Zhou Keqing*, Yin Lian, Gong Kaili, Wu Qin. 3D Vascular-structured Flame-retardant Cellulose-based photothermal aerogel for Solar-driven interfacial evaporation and wastewater purification. Chemical Engineering Journal 464 (2023) 142616. (SCI, IF=13.4)
[13] Gong Kaili (博士研究生), Yin Lian, Shi Congling, Qian Xiaodong, Zhou Keqing*, et al. Dual char-forming strategy driven Mxene-based fire-proofing epoxy resin coupled with good toughness. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 640 (2023) 434-444. (SCI, IF=9.4)
[14] Gong Kaili (博士研究生), Huang Huijing, Shi Congling, Qian Xiaodong, Yin Lian, Zhou Keqing*, et al. In-situ encapsulated Mxene nanosheets with bimetallic phosphate: towards for reducing the fire risk of epoxy composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 174 (2023) 107731. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[15] Yin Lian (博士研究生), Shi Congling, Wang Changhao, Qiu Peiyun, Qian Xiaodong, Zhou Keqing*, et al. MoFs decorated TA-MoS2 nanosheets improving the mechanical and fire properties of epoxy resins: Interface engineering design based on virginia creeper. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 176 (2023) 107876. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[16] Yin Lian (博士研究生), Xie DengDeng, Gong Kaili, Shi Congling, Qian Xiaodong, Zhou Keqing*, et al. Phase change materials encapsulated in coral-inspired organic-inorganic aerogels for flame-retardant and thermal energy storage. ACS Applied Nano Materials 6(10) (2023) 8752-8762. (SCI, IF=5.3)
[17] Lin Ke, Cheng Yulong, Lu Jiangtao, He Miao, Zhou Keqing*, et al. Graphene Aerogels Embedded with Boron Nitride Nanoparticles for Solar Energy Storage and Flame-Retardant Materials. ACS Applied Nano Materials 6 (2023) 21270-21281. (SCI, IF=5.3)
[18] Wang Changhao (硕士研究生), Gong Kaili, Yu Bin, Zhou Keqing*, et al. Rare earth-based flame retardants for polymer composites: Status and challenges. Composites Part B Engineering 265 (2023) 110935. (SCI, IF=12.7)
[19] Luo Jianjian (博士研究生), Shi Congling, Yin Lian, Gong Kaili, Qian Xiaodong, Zhou Keqing*, et al. Surface engineering and functionalization of MoS2-based nanoarchitecture for constructing epoxy composites with excellent fire resistance and mechanical properties. Applied Surface Science 640 (2023) 158447. (SCI, IF=6.3)
[20] Luo Jianjian (硕士研究生), Shi Congling, Yin Lian, Gong Kaili, Qian Xiaodong, Zhou Keqing*, et al. Killing three birds with one stone: A novel regulate strategy for improving the fire safety of thermoplastic polyurethane. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 168 (2023) 107491. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[21] He Miao (硕士研究生), Xie Dengdeng, Yin Lian, Gong Kaili, Zhou Keqing*. Influences of reduction temperature on energy storage performance of paraffin wax/graphene aerogel composite phase change materials. Materials Today Communications 34 (2023) 105288. (SCI, IF=3.7)
[22] Zhou Keqing, Gong Kaili, Wang Chenchao, et al. Construction of Ti3C2 MXene based fire resistance nanocoating on flexible polyurethane foam for highly efficient photothermal conversion and solar water desalination. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 630 (2023) 343-354. (SCI, IF=9.4)
[23] Zhou Keqing*, Gong Kaili, Gao Feiyan, et al. Facile strategy to synthesize MXene@LDH nanohybrids for boosting the flame retardancy and smoke suppression properties of epoxy. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 157 (2022) 106912. (SCI, IF=8.1, ESI高被引)
[24] Yin Lian (博士研究生), Gong Kaili, Pan Haifeng, Guo, Liangjie, Zhou Keqing*. Column-to-Beam Architecture Inspires Interface-Engineered MXene Nanosheet/Boron Nitride Nanosheet/Polydopamine Hybrids for Fire Retardants. ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (2022) 13123-13135. (SCI, IF=5.3)
[25] Yin Lian (博士研究生), Gong Kaili, Pan Haifeng, Qian Xiaodong, Shi Congling, Qian Lijun, Zhou Keqing*. Novel design of MOFs-based hierarchical nanoarchitecture: Towards reducing fire hazards of epoxy resin. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 158 (2022) 106957. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[26] Gong Kaili (博士研究生), Yin Lian, Pan Haifeng, Mao Shaohua, Liu Lu, Zhou Keqing*. Novel exploration of the flame retardant potential of bimetallic MXene in epoxy composites. Composites Part B: Engineering 237 (2022) 109862. (SCI, IF=12.7)
[27] Gong Kaili (博士研究生), Cai Lin, Shi Conglinge, Gao Feiyan, Yin Lian, Qian Xiaodong, Zhou Keqing*. Organic-inorganic hybrid engineering MXene derivatives for fire resistant epoxy resins with superior smoke suppression. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 161 (2022) 107109. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[28] 周克清*, 翟丹阳, 印恋, 桂宙. 二硫化钼基杂化物对聚合物火灾安全性影响. 中国安全科学学报 32 (2022) 102-109. (安全科学领域T1级期刊)
[29] Zhou Mengqing (硕士研究生), Xie Dengdeng, Zhou Keqing*, Kaili Gong, Lian Yin, Xiaodong Qian, Congling Shi. 3D porous aerogel based-phase change materials with excellent flame retardancy and shape stability for both thermal and light energy storage. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 236 (2022) 111537. (SCI, IF=6.3)
[30] Kaili Gong (博士研究生), Lian Yin, Keqing Zhou*, et al. Construction of interface-engineered two-dimensional nanohybrids towards superb fire resistance of epoxy composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 152 (2022) 106707. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[31] Lian Yin (博士研究生), Kaili Gong, Keqing Zhou*, Xiaodong Qian, Congling Shi, Zhou Gui, Lijun Qian. Flame-retardant activity of ternary integrated modified boron nitride nanosheets to epoxy resin. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 608 (2022) 853-863. (SCI, IF=9.4)
[32] Mengqing Zhou (硕士研究生), Sijia Zhao, Keqing Zhou*, et al. Flexible polyurethane foams surface-modified with FeOOH for improved oil-water separation and flame retardancy. Materials Chemistry and Physics 276 (2022) 125408. (SCI, IF=4.3)
[33] Kaili Gong (博士研究生), Keqing Zhou*, Xiaodong Qian, Congling Shi, Bin Yu. MXene as emerging nanofillers for high-performance polymer composites: A review. Composites Part B 217 (2021) 108867. (SCI, IF=127, ESI高被引)
[34] 刘清晨 (硕士研究生),刘昌坤,周克清*. 煤矿开采安全防护用聚氨酯注浆材料试验研究. 安全与环境工程 28(2021) 65-74. (安全科学领域T1级期刊)
[35] Keqing Zhou*, Kaili Gong, Qianqian Zhou, Sijia Zhao, Hailin Guo, Xiaodong Qian. Estimating the feasibility of using industrial solid wastes as raw material for polyurethane composites with low fire hazards. Journal of Cleaner Production 257 (2020) 120606. (SCI, IF=9.8)
[36] Dong Wang, Hongyun Peng, Bin Yu, Keqing Zhou*, Haifeng Pan, Liping Zhang, MinLi, Mingming Liu, Anli Tian, Shaohai Fu. Biomimetic structural cellulose nanofiber aerogels with exceptional mechanical, flame-retardant and thermal-insulating properties. Chemical Engineering Journal 389 (2020) 124449. (SCI, IF=13.4,ESI高被引)
[37] Keqing Zhou*, Qianqian Zhou, Kaili Gong, Jianshan Zhang. Waste-to-resource strategy to fabricate environmentally benign flame retardants from waste phosphorus tailings. Composites Communications 19 (2020) 173-176. (SCI, IF=6.5)
[38] Sijia Zhao (硕士研究生), Lian Yin, Qianqian Zhou, Changkun Liu, Keqing Zhou*. In situ self-assembly of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks on the surface of flexible polyurethane foam: Towards for highly efficient oil spill cleanup and fire safety. Applied Surface Science 506 (2020) 144700. (SCI, IF=6.3)
[39] Sijia Zhao (硕士研究生), Jiayao Yin, Keqing Zhou*, Yi Cheng, Bin Yu. In situ fabrication of molybdenum disulfide based nanohybrids for reducing fire hazards of epoxy. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 122 (2019) 77-84. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[40] Shuguang Wang (本科生), Rui Gao, Keqing Zhou*. The influence of cerium dioxide functionalized reduced graphene oxide on reducing fire hazards of thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 536 (2019) 127-134. (SCI, IF=9.4, ESI高被引)
[41] Shuguang Wang (本科生), Bin Yu, Keqing Zhou*, Lian Yin, Yu Zhong, Xin Ma. A novel phosphorus-containing MoS2 hybrid: Towards improving the fire safety of epoxy resin. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 550 (2019) 210-219. (SCI, IF=9.4)
[42] Keqing Zhou*, Gang Tang, Rui Gao, Shudong Jiang. In situ growth of 0D silica nanospheres on 2D molybdenum disulfide nanosheets: towards reducing fire hazards of epoxy resin. Journal of Hazardous Materials 344 (2018) 1078-1089. (SCI, IF=12.2, ESI高被引)
[43] Keqing Zhou*, Changkun Liu, Rui Gao. Polyaniline: A novel bridge to reduce the fire hazards of epoxy composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 112 (2018) 432-443. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[44] Keqing Zhou*, Changkun Liu, Rui Gao. Constructing hierarchical polymer@MoS2 core-shell structures for regulating thermal and fire safety properties of polystyrene nanocomposites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 107 (2018) 144-154. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[45] Keqing Zhou*, Rui Gao, Xiaodong Qian. Self-assembly of exfoliated molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanosheets and layered double hydroxide (LDH): Towards reducing fire hazards of epoxy. Journal of Hazardous Materials 338 (2017) 343-355. (SCI, IF=12.2, ESI高被引)
[46] Keqing Zhou*, Rui Gao, Zhou Gui, Yuan Hu. The effective reinforcements of functionalized MoS2 nanosheets in polymer hybrid composites by sol-gel technique. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 94 (2017) 1-9. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[47] Keqing Zhou*, Rui Gao, Zhou Gui, Yuan Hu. The influence of graphene based smoke suppression agents on reduced fire hazards of polystyrene composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 80 (2016) 217-227. (SCI, IF=8.1)
[48] Keqing Zhou*, Rui Gao, Zhou Gui, Yuan Hu. The influence of cobalt oxide-graphene hybrids on thermal degradation, fire hazards and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polyurethane composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 88 (2016) 10-18. (SCI, IF=8.1)
8.一种有机改性二硫化钼纳米片层及其制备方法,中国,专利号: ZL201310187544.9.
9. Zhou Keqing*, Lu Jiangtao, Xie Dengdeng. Light and heat storage composite phase change material for energy storage and preparation method thereof. Republic of South Africa, Number: 2022/01916.
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