骆 进*

发布时间:Oct 12, 2017点击量:






地址: 湖北省武汉市鲁磨路388号,中国地质大学(武汉)九游(中国)


10/2019-11/2019      客座教授 (Guest Professor)


10/2017-09/2018     访问学者(Visiting Scholar)


12/2014 –至 今      副教授



10/2010 – 04/2014:博士研究生学习,德国爱尔兰根-纽伦堡大学应用地质系,Geo-center of Northern Bavaria, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany

09/2008 – 07/2010:地质工程硕士


硕士导师: 项伟教授

09/2003 – 07/2008:岩土工程学士


学士导师: 项伟教授













文章:(共发表论文SCI 论文60篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者40篇, ESI高被引论文一篇。EI 2篇)。部分文章如下:

1. Luo J., Zhang Q., Elsworth D., Zhao Q*. Competing Effects of Proppant and Surface Roughness on the Frictional Stability of Propped Fractures. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-022-03215-w, 2024.

2. Luo J*., Shao YT., Yan ZZ., Han XS., Guo QH*. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Renewable Energy 243 (2025) 122539, 2025.

3. Luo J.*, Rohn J., Bayer M., Priess A., Xiang W. Analysis on performance of borehole heat exchanger in a layered subsurface. Applied Energy 123 (2014) 55-65. (SCI, IF=7.900).

4. Luo J.*, Rohn J., Bayer M., Priess A. Wilkmann L., Xiang W. Heating and cooling performance analysis of a ground source heat pump system in Southern Germany. Geothermics 53 (2015) 57-66. (SCI, IF=2.693). (ESI highly cited paper)

5. Luo J.*, Rohn J., Xiang W., Bayer M., Priess A., Wilkmann L., Steger H., Zorn R. Experimental investigation of a borehole field by Enhanced Geothermal Response Test and numerical analysis of performance of the Borehole Heat Exchangers. Energy, 84(2015) 473-484. (SCI, IF=4.968)

6. Luo J*, Zhao H.F., Gui S.Q., Jia J. Xiang W., Rohn J., Blum P. Study on operation management of borehole heat exchangers for a large-scale hybrid ground source heat pump system in China. Energy 123(2017) 340-352. (SCI, IF=4.968).

7. Luo J., Zhu Y.Q., Guo Q.H.*, Tan L., Zhuang Y.Q., Liu M.L., Zhang C.H., Zhu M.C., Xiang W. Chemical stimulation on the hydraulic properties of artificially fractured granite for enhanced geothermal system. Energy 142(2018) 754-764 (SCI, IF=4.968),

8. Luo J.*, Rohn J., Bayer M., Priess A. Thermal performance and economic evaluation of double U-tube borehole heat exchanger with three borehole diameters. Energy and Buildings 67 (2013) 217-224. (SCI, IF=4.457).

9. Luo J.*, Rohn J., Xiang W., Bertermann D., Blum P. Ground source heat pump system: A review of ground investigations in borehole field. Energy and Buildings 117(2016) 160-175 (SCI, IF=4.457).

10. Luo J.*, Rohn J., Bayer M., Priess A. Modeling and experiments on energy loss in horizontal connecting pipe of vertical ground source heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering 61 (2013) 55-64. (SCI, IF=3.771)

11. Luo J*, Zhao H.F., Gui S.Q., Xiang W., Rohn J., Blum P. Thermal-economic analysis of four different types of ground heat exchangers in energy piles. Applied Thermal Engineering, 108 (2016)11-19 (SCI, IF=3.771).

12. Luo J., Tuo J.S., Huang W., Zhu Y.Q., Jiao Y.Y.*, Xiang W., Rohn J. Influence of groundwater levels on effective thermal conductivity of the ground and heat transfer rate of borehole heat exchangers. Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.08.148. (SCI, IF=3.771),

13. Luo J.*, Luo Z.Q., Xie J.H., Xia D.S., Huang W., Shao H.B., Xiang W., Rohn J. Investigation of shallow geothermal potentials for different types of ground source heat pump systems (GSHP) of Wuhan city in China. Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 230-244. (SCI, IF=4.900).

14. Luo J.*, Qiao Y., Xiang W., Rohn J. Measurements and analysis of the thermal properties of a sedimentary succession in Yangtze plate in China. Renewable Energy xxx (2018) 1-16. (SCI, IF=4.900). In press

15. Luo J., Zhang Q., Li L., Xiang W. Monitoring and characterizing the deformation of an earth dam in Guangxi Province, China. Engineering Geology 248(2019) 50-60. (SCI IF=3.100)

16. Luo J*, Zhao H.F., Gui S.Q., Xiang W., Rohn J. Study on thermal migration and the induced mechanical effects in double-U type energy piles. Computers and Geotechnics. (SCI, IF=3.318). 91(2017):1-11.

17. Luo J.*, Xue W., Hu T., Xiang W., Rohn J. Thermo-economic analysis of borehole heat exchangers (BHE) grouted using drilling cuttings in a dolomite area. Applied Thermal Engineering. (SCI, IF=3.771). DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.12.130.

18. Luo J.*, Zhao H.F., Huang W., Zhu Y.Q., Xiang W., Rohn J. Determination of ground thermal properties of energy piles by thermal response tests. Environmental Earth Sciences) 77(2018) https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-018-7265-1 (SCI, IF=1.435).

19. Luo J.*, Zhang Q., Zhao H., Gui S., Xiang W., Rohn J., Soga K. The thermal and thermo-mechanical performance of energy piles with double U-loop and spiral loop heat exchangers.  Submitted to journal ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering.. (SCI IF=3.305)

20. Wang G.L., Wang W.L., Luo J.*, Zhang Y.H. Assessment of geothermal resources and ground source heat pump application in provincial capitals in Yangtze River Basin, China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review. (SCI IF=10.019) 111(2019) 392-421.


1.一种高温高压下岩石热物性参数测试方法及测试系统,发明专利,ZL201610848074.X, 2016921日,2018112日,第一发明人;

2. 一种干热岩裂隙渗流和热交换过程可视化试验装置,发明专利,ZL201610149230.3,2018427日,第一发明人;

3. 一种中深部砂岩地热水平井开采结构,实用新型专利,ZL20172054556572017516日,第一发明人;

4. 一种流固藕合条件下岩土热扩散特性测试装置,实用新型专利,ZL201520787708.620151012日,第一发明人;


6. 一种高温高压下岩石热物性参数测试系统,实用新型专利,ZL201621077908.32016921日,第一发明人;

7. 一种基于脱湿技术的多孔岩土体热物性参数测试系统,实用新型专利,ZL201720348240.X201745日,第二发明人;

l 部分项目

1. 国家自然科学基金面上基金一项,项目名称为:“支撑剂对干热岩人工裂隙导流能力影响机制研究”(项目编号:41877200,资助金额:61万元)起止年月为:201901-202212月,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,项目名称为:“周期性冷热负荷下白垩纪红砂岩热扩散时效规律研究”(项目编号:41502238,资助金额:21万元)起止年月为:201601-201812月,主持;

3. 中央高校杰出人才基金一项,项目名称为:“岩土热物性参数分析及可视化三维地热信息建模” (项目编号:“CUGL150819CUGL 150610”,起止年月:20151-201712月,经费来源:中央高校启动基金,资助金额:20万元),主持;

4. 中央高校摇篮计划基金一项,项目名称为:“层状地质单元地热参数评估及信息管理” (项目编号:“CUGL150818”,起止年月:20181-202012月,经费来源:中央高校启动基金,资助金额:30万元),主持;

5. 教育部留学回国人员启动资金一项,项目名称为:“层状地质单元地热参数评估及信息管理” (项目编号:教外司留【20151098号,起止年月:201512-201612月,主持。

6. 中国石油天然气有限公司委托项目:杨凌区浅层地热资源评价及开发技术政策研究,64.89万元, 起止年月:2024-2025,主持。

7. 湖北水利水电勘察设计院有限公司委托项目:湖北省碾盘山水利水电枢纽工程水库浸没问题地下水综合研究,35万元,起止年月:2024-2025,主持。

l 获奖

1.湖北省优秀学士学位论文, 2008

2.湖北省优秀硕士学位论文, 2010

3.德国巴伐利亚州研究基金会奖博士学金Scholarship funded by Bavaria Research Foundation for PhD study, 拜仁州州政府,慕尼黑, 德国, (10.2010 - 09.2013).

4.德意志学术交流中心奖博士学金:Scholarship founded by Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) for PhD study, 柏林,德国, (10.2013 - 01.2014).

5.2013 年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”,中华人民共和国教育部,中国留学基金管理委员会。

6. 2020湖北省自然科学奖三等奖,高温地热流体及工程环境效应,湖北省人民政府

l 审稿期刊

Applied Energy, Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Geothermics, Energy and Buildings, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of  Thermal Science, Environmental Earth Science, Groundwater Research, International Journal of Energy Research, Engineering Geology……

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